How do i order in Online?
  1. Finding the product.
  2. Adding a product to your basket / Add to Cart.
  3. Completing your purchase at checkout
  4. Taking Delivery
  5. Pay by Cash or Card.
How can i Pay?
  • You can pay by Cash, AED and also foreign currency.
  • Also can pay by Card.
What exactly happens after ordering?
  • After you place an order, we will call you for confirmation.
  • Then delivery man will assist you, The delivery man also will contact you.
How long time will take for Delivery?
  • Inside Dubai City usually take 2-3 Hours.
  • Outside of Dubai city it's take within 24 Hours.
How long do I have to return an order?
  • If the product damage or fake then you can return it.
  • It's take 24-72 Hours.